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Repeated log entries

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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Hi, I am getting repeated log entries. The log entry is as below:
https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send/cTvWTA96mfs:APA91bGOg6MeOTtwRsv6cpdU4TL3PqbjShfG4oQMfpPrsh84-kKRmql_FsflyA3VBtKVOZjjtHDKm8rB7TSmmKRLc2-9n8r5bGdoJL_jzQZkzDq2FjCdqtCPaT3M0TwU681xxzQbj7Q4 Connection timed out after 10000 milliseconds
Why this is coming again and again 

what is the use of https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send/... 

and how can I get rid of?

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You would need to contact your hosting company to check that URL is not blocked by your server in any way. As mentioned in the message there, this is a connection timeout, so is between your server and google. The issue is not with the software itself on this occasion

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