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My Registrations Stopped: HELP!

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Looking at your video you have an error bottom-right on the page. I tried going to your register page and this is the error:


This site key is not enabled for the invisible captcha.


The default key should work for everything. Did you change it at some point perhaps? Try checking your captcha settings in the ACP. If all the settings are filled properly maybe you can try switching to a different captcha option.


Google link to check your recaptcha keys: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin

IPS Guide:


Edited by teraßyte
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As mentioned by Terabyte, your CAPTCHA key looks to be incorrect or otherwise not working so you will want to see if you have your own account. If so, you will need to check the key/secret to ensure it is correct from the admin area on CAPTCHA.

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1 hour ago, Robert Lunte said:

Thanks guys. Fixed. The feature for enabling the software to do a captcha behind automatically is not working. I had to change it to "I am not a bot" version and it fixed. You might want to look into that. 

Had a quick look at your site and it looks like you changed the default recaptcha site key included by default with a custom one.

Default key included by default with IPS:


Your custom key (it can be easily found looking at the page's source code):



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1 hour ago, Robert Lunte said:

Thanks terabyte, what is the point? I should put the default back in?

What are you recommending I put in there? 

To have Invisible Captcha work, your key will need to be authorized/setup for it. If you did not do that for your key, it simply won’t work. Therefore, your options are:

1. to leave it on reCAPTCHA 2 as you have now

2. if you want to use Invisible CAPTCHA, switch to the default key

3. if you want to use Invisible CAPTCHA, setup your key for Invisible CAPTCHA

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