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Hidden post only for Guest?


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9 minutes ago, Mark H said:

Apologies, but I'm not certain I understand what you're asking, can you please clarify what you want to accomplish, or show (or not show?) to Guests?

Guest can view Forum and Sub-Forum, but can't read the post? Understand me? Sorry for my bad english.

Edited by hackinOS
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I believe what you're describing is covered by a setting in each forum:

Could contain: Text, Face

"If a user does have permission to see the forum but not to read the topics, this setting controls whether or not they can open the forum and see the topic titles."

You'd toggle that button on the forums you mean (be sure to save).

Does that accomplish what you wanted>

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No, when settings permission for sub-forum is not read for Guest, also Guest can't see the "Title post".

I want Guest can see "Title Post", but can't read, only read when registered!!!!

Edited by hackinOS
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For your guest member group, you will want to ensure that the "See Forum" permission is checked for the forum but not the "Read Topics" permission. This will allow individuals in that group to read the topic list but not be able to read the topic itself. I'm afraid, there isn't any granularity past that for individual posts in a topic.

For more help on member group permissions, please see this guide: 


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