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dailyStreamSubscriptions task failing

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I don't know when this problem began to manifest on my community, but the scheduled task "dailyStreamSubscriptions" is failing on the regular now.  I would like some help solving this, please. 

When it's enabled and running, I can see multiple task jobs spawning in my WHM processes list and they just begin to accumulate and bog down the server.



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Derp GIF by 43 Clicks North

OK, I solved this one myself.  Big "derp" moment.

I had updated the version of PHP running on my WHM-managed server.  I needed to go back to the Task Method settings inside of my IPB Admin CP and copy the cron task string that it provided, into the definition of the cron job that runs every minute to execute the task in CPanel.

Hopefully this is enough info to help someone else who might run into this issue.


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Because I hate it when folks say they've figured out their own issue but then don't share more detail that might help someone else solve their own similar problem, here are some more things that I hope will aid others.

First, as of version 4.6.10, this is found in the IPBoard Admin CP under Settings > Advanced Configuration > Server Environment > Tasks



I then just needed to go into my cron job on my server and update the string there.  Here's how it looks on my WHM managed server under the CPANEL for this particular website.



Once I did the above, my scheduled tasks began to run properly in IPB and the backlog of processes cleared up.


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