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Setting up a 'blind' member to group subforum

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I'm struggling to get the intersection of group and forum permissions and settings correct on a subforum. The intention is

  • Any member of the primary group club member  can post a topic in a "Feedback to the Board" subforum.
  • The club member will only see their own topics in the subforum.
  • Any member of the secondary group officers & board can read, and reply to any post in this subforum.

In particular, can I do this without involving the Moderator group?  If possible, what combination forum settings and forum and group permissions could I use for setting this up?



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I've tried adding the Officers & Board group as a moderator with read/post permissions to the forum. If I then select an officer and from the ACP and "sign in as" that member I do not see any posts in the subforum (all the posts were created by me, an admin).

Edited by bradl
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Hrm. Just tried to have our club sec'y test it and the forum shows "No posts here yet" or similar.   

Here are the settings I think are involved.

Group set as moderator:


Forums for access:


Permission toggle:


Member with secondary group set:


Topics I see as admin but secretary does not see. If I log in as Test member, I  see only the test post as expected. But members of the secondary group set as moderator do not appear to see them.


Is there another toggle hiding somewhere my blurry eyes have missed? 🥺

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  • Solution

The user "peggy appel" has their own entry in the moderators section of the admin CP. Therefore that will override any group permissions set in that section. On her own entry as a moderator, the "Can view all topics/questions?" permission is not selected. The member "Tess case" does not have their own entry, and therefore would follow the rules from the group added in the moderators section. That does indeed have permission

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