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Configuration Issue Detected : Locked Task: deletecontent

Go to solution Solved by Christ30,

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I have this error every 4 days:


Administrator Notifications

Locked Task: deletecontent

One of the routine maintenance tasks which run in the background has failed several times, which may indicate a configuration issue.

  • Application/Plugin
  • Task
    Permanently removes content queued for deletion.
  • Last Run
    2 minutes ago

You should check the logs for any indication of the issue or attempt to run it manually. If the task does not run successfully and you require further assistance, please contact support.


Logs are:


There are no results to display.


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I have delete the 3rd party "live topics", but always the same error:

#0 /home/cs/public_html/system/Member/Member.php(160): IPS\_Session::i()
#1 /home/cs/public_html/system/Content/Item.php(1369): IPS\_Member::loggedIn()
#2 /home/cs/public_html/system/Content/Content.php(2478): IPS\Content\_Item->url()
#3 /home/cs/public_html/system/Content/Content.php(409): IPS\_Content->adjustSessions()
#4 /home/cs/public_html/system/Content/Item.php(2566): IPS\_Content->delete()
#5 /home/cs/public_html/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php(1047): IPS\Content\_Item->delete()
#6 /home/cs/public_html/applications/core/tasks/deletecontent.php(58): IPS\forums\_Topic->delete()
#7 /home/cs/public_html/system/Task/Task.php(367): IPS\core\tasks\_deletecontent->IPS\core\tasks\{closure}()
#8 /home/cs/public_html/applications/core/tasks/deletecontent.php(69): IPS\_Task->runUntilTimeout()
#9 /home/cs/public_html/system/Task/Task.php(266): IPS\core\tasks\_deletecontent->execute()
#10 /home/cs/public_html/system/Task/Task.php(229): IPS\_Task->run()
#11 /home/cs/public_html/applications/core/interface/task/task.php(58): IPS\_Task->runAndLog()
#12 {main}


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The idea is you disable ALL plugins and test.  If it happens with ALL plugins disabled, you know it's not the plugins causing the problem.  If it starts working, you turn on the plugins one by one, testing each until you find the one causing problems.  

You figure out which is broken by process of elimination.  

Edited by Randy Calvert
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