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How can I change this language string in invoices?

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Hello, as depicted in the screenshot the "Expires: Date" to be found in paid invoices, can be a bit problematic, as people who have paid an invoice, get that and believe that they've just paid for only a few days until the invoice expires, instead of being clear they've paid for a whole new period of the ad, etc.



I looked under Languages, Translation, and Commerce has several "Expires". My intention was to change "Expires" to "Invoice Expires" to make it clearer, or not even have that there, because the person has already paid for a new period anyway. Can someone tell me what specific string I'm supposed to edit for that?


Edited by PPlanet
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Thanks, no, I haven't tried that. However, having a look at that setting it says:


When enabled, rather than viewing the real words and phrases, the keys that represent them will show. This can be useful for seeing what key a particular word or phrase is stored as. This will only affect your account.
If you are unable to find this setting again after enabling it, exit and then reopen your web browser to disable.

And this is something that it shows in the email messages people get. So, it wouldn't help as much as something that displays on the site.

I suspect the string in question is:

warning_expires 	Expires %s 

So, now I changed it to Invoice Expires %s, and I'll see how that goes. Cheers.

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