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Admin maximum secure mechanism


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Hello, I don't know if there already implemented, but in my imagination it will works easy and so powerfull security for admin of a web.

The scene suposed is, some admin (not the owner) want to delete intentionally or accedentally files, or settings,...anyway something cause dead damage to the website administration...will be fine if the owner alway have the last command to return actions started by anothers admins (not the owner), example, admin C delete my commerce app module....something like the Windows that let us Recovery from points registried. I know from Server admin, backup the dangerous scene can be under control, but how about if it come from IPS core security design? It will help me to avoid spend time in Server Administration, because as the platform try to sell us the idea, that we just need to focus in our content management and the tech management is a task for the platfom design. 

Edited by kmk
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