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Custom email subject for "A user has sent a message"?

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Is there a way of customizing the subject line that is sent by email when visitors click the "Contact Us" link?

It would be helpful if the subject could include the name of the community so that when I reply, the subject is not just "A user sent a message via the contact form"

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You can make that say anything you like by editing that language string. The string you are looking for is mailsub__core_contact_form

Please, see the following guide on how to use the standard translations if you are unsure on how to do this


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  • 4 weeks later...

Marc, is there a way to force a carriage return line feed in the language string when editing string?  I have edited one of our response emails with a change in the default text, but when the email is received there is no formatting with EOL.  All the content is strung together in one long sentence.

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