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7-day ban gone wrong

Phil Lilley
Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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For the first time, I banned a member for 7 days.  I thought it was straight forward - banned him and set the date for 7 days later.

Four weeks later, he's not banned but all his IP's are on the ban list.  Problem is, there are dozens of other members that use the same IP's and are finding themselves banned.  Each time I have to go in and delete the IP's off the list but there are hundreds.

What did I do wrong and how can I fix it?

Edited by Phil Lilley
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For a temporary ban, I would not recommend banning the user's IP addresses. I understand looking at the UI where some confusion can happen but this is a separate segment and any IP ban is permanent and would not unban after the duration set for the member ban. If you're using CloudFlare or another reverse proxy and have not enabled "Trust IP addresses provided by proxies?" in ACP -> System -> Advanced Configuration, would be using the IP address of CloudFlare's proxy server instead of the actual user's IP address thus creating issues.

I would recommend removing all IP addresses from your ban list if this is causing issues.

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9 minutes ago, Phil Lilley said:

For the first time, I banned a member for 7 days.  I thought it was straight forward - banned him and set the date for 7 days later.

Four weeks later, he's not banned but all his IP's are on the ban list.  Problem is, there are dozens of other members that use the same IP's and are finding themselves banned.  Each time I have to go in and delete the IP's off the list but there are hundreds.

What did I do wrong and how can I fix it?

If that member is using the same ip as other members. have you considered the possibility that he has multiple accounts?

Anyways, if they are all sharing the same ip for legit reasons, you can avoid banning the ip addresses. A simple ban on the username will do.

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2 hours ago, Jim M said:

For a temporary ban, I would not recommend banning the user's IP addresses. I understand looking at the UI where some confusion can happen but this is a separate segment and any IP ban is permanent and would not unban after the duration set for the member ban. If you're using CloudFlare or another reverse proxy and have not enabled "Trust IP addresses provided by proxies?" in ACP -> System -> Advanced Configuration, would be using the IP address of CloudFlare's proxy server instead of the actual user's IP address thus creating issues.

I would recommend removing all IP addresses from your ban list if this is causing issues.

Is there a way to do this other than removing them one at a time?  I'm not using CloudFlare.  I didn't think I was banning his IP but like I said this was my first time doing this so I must have missed it.  Thanks

2 hours ago, Miss_B said:

If that member is using the same ip as other members. have you considered the possibility that he has multiple accounts?

Anyways, if they are all sharing the same ip for legit reasons, you can avoid banning the ip addresses. A simple ban on the username will do.

The members affected live in the same area - St Louis.  On their accounts, each show using dozens of IP's.  Some obviously overlap.  Thanks!

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4 minutes ago, Phil Lilley said:

Is there a way to do this other than removing them one at a time?  I'm not using CloudFlare.  I didn't think I was banning his IP but like I said this was my first time doing this so I must have missed it.  Thanks

I'm afraid, there is no method to mass delete these.

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