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[PAID REQUEST. TAKEN] Simplifying Checkout to ONE PAGE

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Instead of having all of the steps to checkout, we need ONE page.


What's on the page:

- Everything that's on the LAST page of checkout now ("Confirm & Pay" page) plus:

- Enter email and name (this is for creating an account)

- Optional: we'd also like an upsell checkmark.


How it works:

- The user is created using the Email and Name, without setting a password. The password is emailed to them to set (I know Invision has the capacity for this)



https://www.tealswan.net/24-meditations-order-a (disregard the design. But the functionality of this page is EXACTLY what we need)


I already have code where "Add To Cart" is replaced by "BUY", like in an Amazon 1 step checkout. So it just redirects to a checkout process for that one item, which is what we want. Now we just need to refine the checkout.

Edited by Dominyka
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