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IP Pages - Tiled News

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I've been requested within the company to have our Intranet (IPS) to be displayed as tiles rather than like a Blog.

However, I'm not sure if this can be done or there is any themes already out there which is like that? The only method I can think of would be to create a splash page with tiles and manually design and refer the tiled images to link to parts of our Intranet. However I'd like to imagine there is a plugin or something within Pages which allows the news and such to be tiled on the homepage.

Any ideas?

Look similar to BBC.co.uk/news

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It looks like a page made up with blocks that are defined with either a tag or custom field.

The category for example is just tiles with the first tile being different:

Below you have your blocks again.

This is something you can build on your own, if you feel comfortable doing that.


In the marketplace, you can find several blocks and templates for Pages that you can use as a starting point.

Some examples:


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