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11 hours ago, opentype said:

It will happen with other providers such as Stripe as well. 

Yes this happened to a client/friend of mine so we took the only course open and that was to hold all subscriptions for manual verification; this is using Stripe BTW who have some pretty robust anti-fraud systems of their own in place, including 3D verification.  It does slow things down, but it did put an end to the fraudsters.

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Fraud and steeling is embedded in every single living thing DNA's code that exist on this planet. Some choose not to act on it while some choose to.

I've being stung a few times and there was nothing I could do. PayPal return the payment back to the con artists and I lost out.

The best you can do is cut, duck, dive and go through with fingers cross.

Stripe has 3 secure and it shows some critical info about each transaction that a site owner can use to analyse each transaction to see if it could be fraudulent.

You win some you loose some.

Keep at it.



Edited by beats23
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