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All activity in acp

Mark Round

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  • 1 month later...

Not speaking for @Mark Round, but I think what he's really asking for is the same use case for moderation on the activity stream (more globally, moderate content anywhere you can see it).

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Mark may be talking from a context he is familiar with: the Wordpress Admin interface, to address the gap that exists in IPS.

The user story is probably something like this:

As a community manager/moderator, I want the ability to see all content in a single view, with the option to filter by forum, etc., submitted within a specified window of time in a single panel so that I can take action to address any issues with a moderation action (edit, delete, hide, move, etc.).

If you could moderate via activity stream (along with a user/group/stream option to toggle a full content instead of an abbreviated view), the solve could be there.

Edited by Paul E.
Clarified in a single view
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