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Icons doesnt load in Chrome

Jakub Koch

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So you've recently changed your URL then - from content.invisioncic.com/r306989/ to dotaceforum.cz?

Is that correct? If yes, then run the Support tool "Something isn't working properly" in your ACP.

If that doesn't resolve it, then provide details of any actions you have taken to move from one domain to another so we know what you have done already.

Edited by Nathan Explosion
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Just now, Jakub Koch said:

It seems it works for anyone else, but me

That's irrelevant - your HTML code has references to your old site, so you still need to fix this for ALL not just yourself.

run the Support tool "Something isn't working properly" in your ACP.

If that doesn't resolve it, then provide details of any actions you have taken to move from one domain to another so we know what you have done already.



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I'm still seeing those references all the way through your site:


Have you set your base url value in conf_global.php?

Actually, are they the URLs for Invision's Cloud? If so, maybe not required (and you won't have access to do so)....someone from IPS can confirm whether or not it's an issue.

Edited by Nathan Explosion
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