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Sending warnings covers up everything: This ... is not great


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When sending a warning, the popup dialog covers the entire content you clicked from, including who the warning is going to. There's nothing in the box that tells you who is receiving the message, nor that shows you the content itself so you can reference both in the message to moderators or to the member.

This is some first class nonsense. I have the memory of a goldfish left out of water for a day and a half, and can't remember how many letters or numbers or whatever a person had in their display name to address them properly, nor can I grab quotes of text from the content easily to reference.

Please fix this UX oversight. K. thx. bai.

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4 hours ago, Paul E. said:

This is some first class nonsense. I have the memory of a goldfish left out of water for a day and a half, and can't remember how many letters or numbers or whatever a person had in their display name to address them properly, nor can I grab quotes of text from the content easily to reference.

I was going to respond...but forgot what I was going to say.

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