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Number of Posts before using PM System


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I apologise in advance for this one. I am sure I have seen a setting somewhere where I can set a number of posts that will need to be made in order for a member to use the PM system. I have had a few members join lately with the sole intention of targeting certain members of my forum by PM. By introducing a number of posts that need to be made, thus contributing and then allowing the PM system to be used, would be helpful and may minimise the issue. It would also save me adding another member group and restricting the PMs to zero. 

As I say, I am sure I have not dreamt it, but have seen this option, somewhere ? 

Any help, appreciated. 

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@Pyrotechnic, in addition to @Adriano Faria's plugin, you can achieve this out of the box using Group Promotions. To do so, set the default Members group to not have access to private messaging, and create a promotion rule that promotes the user to a group with PM permissions after reaching your desired level of posts (and/or any other option in the group promotion rules).

Edit: Seeing you were looking to avoid creating another member group--in that case, the plugin Adriano provided looks to be a good fit.

Edited by Paul E.
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