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CueBanner or Cue Banner


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As I understand it a Cuebanner is that bit of grey text which sits in a text box that maybe gives information or instruction and which disappears as soon as you click on it and start to type.

You can see in the above right-hand corner of this Invision forum – the search box with the word  Search… written in it. As soon as you start to type the word disappears.

It will be really nice to have a plug-in or application which could produce these.

I'd like a Cuebanner to appear in the "title required" box of a new topic form and in the message area.

Also in new user registration forms, for instance to remind people not to use their real name

I'm sure there are lots of other places where a cue banner would be very useful

How about it?

Edited by BankFodder
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I'm taking a look into this one at the moment - for reference, the grey text you are referring to is known as a 'Placeholder' and it can be added to some HTML input fields but not all.

For example:

On 9/16/2020 at 1:50 PM, BankFodder said:

I'd like a Cuebanner to appear in the "title required" box of a new topic form and in the message area.

The "Title" field is a text input - it accepts the placeholder attribute:


However, the "Message area" is an Editor generated by CKEditor and it doesn't currently have a placeholder attribute which can be manipulated in the same way as other inputs can.


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Well it looks interesting. That's exactly the kind of thing I had in mind – and it would be interesting to get these placeholders used in lots of different places – including registration forms et cetera. Other than that, I'm not entirely sure what you meant by the editor et cetera.  

It would actually also be useful to put them in the body of the post as well so one might have a placeholder which says:
"when you post your story here, it will be very helpful if you use proper spacing even if you are using a telephone because otherwise a long block of text is very difficult to read"

That kind of stuff.

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1 minute ago, BankFodder said:

It would actually also be useful to put them in the body of the post as well so one might have a placeholder which says:
"when you post your story here, it will be very helpful if you use proper spacing even if you are using a telephone because otherwise a long block of text is very difficult to read"

It is not possible to add a placeholder in to the Editor, that is what I have said above. This is the Editor:


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