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How to restore the old counter format?

Ody Mandrell
Go to solution Solved by aXenDev,

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On 6/16/2021 at 9:09 PM, Ody Mandrell said:

We have had an update in the forum program and it would be necessary again to set the counters on the bottom of the site to the above old format. I hope it is possible after the update as well. What do I have to do?



You would be removing the format="short" part mentioned above, but within the forums->widgets>forumstatistics template for that. 

Please note, we do not provide official support for customisation, so please ensure you back that template up before you do so.

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  • 5 months later...


Same request for the number of message inside a topic

I looked for "{number="$count" format="short"}" in order to replace it by "{number="$count" }" but it seems I missed something (?)



It will be nice if this "number format" will be in the "forum settings" in the future

Thank you,

Best regards


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