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Smartly mark notifications as read.

Ocean West

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When you get a notification it may be by Email and Notification center however if you navigate thru email and read it or just go to the content directly and read it the notification still remains un-read. When you read content something should update notification as read.

Also if you get notifications for pending approval of content if another mod/admin has already address the action then it should update that original notification as READ and append  "Matt Approved Post"


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Yes, THAT!

Also, when clicking one notification and going to that content, other notifications should remain as unread. otherwise you have to open all of them at once in different tabs, and can't leave one or more notifications to handle later (i.e a user reported a post and you can't deal with it right now, or someone posted in a thread you're following and you want to read later). Right now, morons with bad memory like yours truly, are in danger of leaving something for later and then forgetting about it.

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