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On 9/12/2020 at 2:50 PM, Duken said:

Maby for the next version.... When the description is not available in the chosen language (in my case NL) could you fallback to the English description? Otherwise the is no content. ThreadStarter: Movies had this also... 😌 sorry for the questions. 🙂



This movie doesn't has a description in the chosen language, so English is used.

Same will happen using the REIMPORT MOVIE/TV SHOW DATA feature.

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46 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:



This movie doesn't has a description in the chosen language, so English is used.

Same will happen using the REIMPORT MOVIE/TV SHOW DATA feature.

You are the best of the best! Damn this is the best IPB application.

... One wish. Could there be a auto refresh / reimport every x days ? 🤭

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13 minutes ago, Duken said:

Could there be a auto refresh / reimport every x days ?

Version 1.0.3 was already submitted so it can't be considered now. The data on TMDB doesn't change that much. Major part of what is displayed is loaded ajaxed from TMDB, so it takes the current state of the record. The only thing left is title, description, budget, etc. I don't think that will change often.

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8 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

Version 1.0.3 was already submitted so it can't be considered now. The data on TMDB doesn't change that much. Major part of what is displayed is loaded ajaxed from TMDB, so it takes the current state of the record. The only thing left is title, description, budget, etc. I don't think that will change often.

That's true, it changed sometimes. Like Budget is added later. But its no issue. Maby a option for a far far future. 😉

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@Adriano Faria Hi, just updated to version 1.03 and I was able to add the TV Show Are you being Served? no problem.  However when I went to enter the TV Show V - I got this:


I did eventually manage to get it in by telling the system it was called 'Vee' and then changed the title to 'V' once it was entered.  Can you check this please?

With thanks.

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@Adriano Faria Hi Adriano, for a future update would it be possible to be able edit the trailers section where we can add trailers and remove offending ones to avoid this:

Looks like this in the section and when you click to play ...


... you get this.


It just makes the section look unattractive and not much use if the trailer is not available anymore, for whatever reason.

I did go to TMDB and edit the section, removed the offending videos and added new videos that do work, but when reimporting data, the old data remains.  If you can do something about this it would be fantastic.  With thanks 🙂

Edited by Davyc
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1 hour ago, Adriano Faria said:

No, Davyc. As I already told a bunch of times, these tabs are ajaxed loaded. I don't save these info anywhere.

You need to understand that I am not a programmer, so your terminologies are meaningless to me no matter how many times you tell me.  Also, I am not on about what is or is not saved, I am referring to giving the ability to change this data regardless of where it comes from.  For example, the trailers - I understand that they are pulled from TMDB, but what I am asking is whether you can add the ability to modify this data from the user end.  This would mean that if a trailer is added using a particular YT URL, give the ability to change this to a URL so that it is relevant.  If this can't be done then fair enough, but please try to explain your reasoning in layman terms so that a better understanding of what can and can't be done.

In respect of the trailers, there must be a field somewhere that holds this information so that the trailers can be displayed; what I am asking is 'can this field be edited'?  I've seen this done in other apps, so if it can be done with the movies app that will elevate it's usability greatly. I am not trying to make waves or poke holes, I'm simply asking if you can make modifications for user intervention if the data from TMDB is flawed.

As I mentioned, I was able to login to TMDB and make changes, which are viewable on TMDB, but when I reimport the data those changes are not showing, and the old data is still there - that's as much as I can do.  Again, with thanks for all that you do and whilst it may not be apparent, you work and efforts are appreciated 🙂


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  • 4 weeks later...

@Davyc the tabs that are ajax based are just presenting the information, it does not save it anywhere.

What you can do if you want a more permanent setup is that you can create custom fields and then manually place for example a video URL or an image. So the plugin would fetch things are show you the information and then you can choose what you would like to display permanently by manually adding that information.

As for your changes on TMDB they can be cached after you change them, and they probably have a review process for it before it is released into the database itself. You would see it as you made the change, but no one else would until the change is approved.

@Adriano Faria How annoyed would you be if I ask if additional data could be added? As someone who have worked a fair deal of time on my youth in Movie rentals I know that content rating is often important and I would love vote_average as well, but that is just me 🙂

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Yes, but I want to add it in a different position and the custom fields for extra fields in apps use a different syntax than the custom fields in pages, so I wonder how I would code the fields into the template rather than selecting the default.

I see you use {{if $field['location'] == 'below'}} to get the fields placed where you want them based on the value in the location field, but since we don't set the name of the field I assume you need to use the id number?


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Am I right to assume that you can not have cast to be the open tab on load because we fetch the data when clicking on the tab?

Just now, Adriano Faria said:

Sorry, customization isn’t part of support. 

Any other path to get that information? I assume the way to modify the template is the same for all plugins so maybe just go to the dev forum?

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3 minutes ago, Jimi Wikman said:


I’ll check later to see if matches the first aired episode date. If it does, it doesn’t seem accurate to me. There are several TV Shows created and for some reason aired later. I can’t remember one now but I can search later. 

Anyway, I can also change from Released to First Episode Date or something in TV Shows. 

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