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Tag exclusions


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Well I've started looking at the tag functionality on our website. I'm very new to this and I'm struggling to find my way around.

One thing though – is that I found a list of tags – about 1100 pages of them including words like and, the, from, before, in – you get the picture.

Isn't there some way of excluding all of these kinds of word?


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I was starting to feel that that might be the case.

Is there any way that I can do a bulk delete of tags. It's a real shame that there isn't a checkbox system so that you can simply select the ones you want to delete and then get rid of them all with one click. That doesn't seem to be possible at the moment



I think that our huge collection of tags is a hangover from vBulletin

It will also be very nice to be able to bulk select certain tags as "suggestions" without having to enter them all manually

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