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Cannot change primary group


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@Spectral- Last I checked as an admin you can't change your own group. You'd have to create another admin account and do it that way. THOUGH I do believe there was something implemented to make an account a root admin account to prevent people from stealing sites but that could still be a work in progress on the IPS side.

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But I can change my groups, I just don't have any other options in primary to switch it to something else so it shows a different group rather than "Administrator" when I post things.

Ok, I was able to login with the account I created when installing the forums and was able to change my main accounts group. Thank you for the tip.

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10 hours ago, Spectral- said:

But I can change my groups, I just don't have any other options in primary to switch it to something else so it shows a different group rather than "Administrator" when I post things.

You can have only one primary group per member. 

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Specifically, in order to prevent you from locking yourself out of the AdminCP, you can't demote yourself from being an admin. You can move yourself into a different admin group if you have any (they must have the same level of restrictions - not greater or lesser than you have), and admins that have permission to demote other admins can do so, but you can't edit your own account in a way that would affect your admin restrictions.

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