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Trial Group or Member Expiry

Pinoy Biscuits

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Is there any apps or hooks that automatically demote a member from VIP_Group to Normal_Group after a certain days?
Like Member expiration after a length of days?
For example I will change the Group of User1 from Normal_G to VIP_G then after 1 week it will automatically goes back to Normal_G.
Doing it manually for more than thousands of member is a lot of work.

Thank you.

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12 hours ago, shahed said:

I think you can use "Group Promotion" in ACP > Members.

Choose the user group you want, some settings like number of days, posts ... in final part in "Actions", you can move that group to another group.

Thanks Shahed but this option will only work either Content count or Reputation, there is no option for days countdown.

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