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GDPR and Pruning Members not working

The Old Man

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Has anyone else noticed any issues with IP address removal and pruning members of late?

One of my site licences has just expired so I can't put a ticket in but I've found overnight a couple of issues.

I made a DB backup then created some new member groups and promotion rules to separate inactive members last visited by 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 years.

I started to prune members from the 4 and 5 year groups overnight, this morning the tasks have finished but there are still members in groups 4 and 5. I pruned the 5 year members again and I still have almost 600 accounts in the 5 year group and over 2800 members in the 4 year group!

My second concern is that when you click on the number shown for a member group, it lists all those members. When you click on Prune, I realised it doesn't offer to retain their content as I thought it used to?

The 3rd thing I noticed this morning was that although I have always had my GDPR setting to remove IP addresses after 3 years, I was surprised to find members in the 4 and 5 year groups still have IP addresses stored.


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4 minutes ago, The Old Man said:

I made a DB backup then created some new member groups and promotion rules to separate inactive members last visited by 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 years.

I’m surprised this works. Last time I checked the group promotion was only done when a member logs in, so inactive members couldn’t really be promoted to anything. 

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Interesting that the promotions run when a user logs in, I wasn't aware. Yes, there is no separate task, but I ran the somewhat discreet Recount Content tool that is available when you edit any member. It offers you the option of running it for all members, which runs through the Group Promotions, presumably because you can promote or demote members based on content.

Edit any Member > Content Count > Recount > Recount for all members


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/20/2019 at 5:10 PM, The Old Man said:

Not sure why the IP removal tool doesn't seem to work though.

Not sure what IP addresses you are referring to, but this is likely intended behavior.

Not all IP addresses are removed, which makes sense as some IP addresses (such as the ones associated with newsletter opt-in, or privacy policy acceptance) can be seen as part of the proof of consent.  However, there are several other IP address that are not deleted, and for which we don't have good reasons to keep.  (To solve this issue, I checked the IPs that were not being removed, and I have a SQL script to periodically remove the ones I don't need to keep.)

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