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4TECH support topic


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On 6/27/2019 at 12:32 AM, Tammy Wagner said:

In support tickets the"ipsPad" elements (shows user etc) is the default IPS theme so it is all white 


Sorry bro i see to late this reply, i will try to fix that in 2.2 ( let me your forum in private )


In version 2.1

- Fixed Unread markers color, now it's the normal color not grey

- Changed the color theme to a soft red ( people asked, but you can modify that with 1 click in ACP )



- Added Guest Message with Register and LogIn customizable from ACP 


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In version 2.2 ( Because Archive is to large with PSD - CONTACT ME IF YOU WANT PSD )

- Added summer UPDATE ( can be activate or dezactivate from ACP ) wich contains :

  • Modified index menu avatar


  • Section Title icon changed


  • Widget Title icon changed


  • Forum Icons changed with sun icon


  • Panel with summer updates 


  • Vertical and Horizontal ss



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

In version 2.3 ( Because Archive is to large with PSD - CONTACT ME IF YOU WANT PSD )

- Added auto awards ( customizable from ACP )



  • Icon it means the icon for award ( you can change every single icon ) - the maximum height and width it's 24px
  • Tooltip is the title of the award, when you hover the click ( you can change every single tooltip )

- Resolved a problem reported by @AlexWright for the credit card field 

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4 hours ago, AlexWright said:

Hihi again @doc. Looks like another issue's cropped back up. Since we offload images (Profile Pictures) to amazon s3, we're seeing that same default image again (on the user menu):


Yes it's because summer update change the avatar in to that picture.Dezactivate summer update and all is good!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi @doc, just purchased your theme and I have to say this has potential to be the best theme released on IPS in my view. Top marks 👍

I have this installed at the moment and I have some questions, some bugs to highlight. 


  1. What is summertime, what is it's purpose? Doesn't make sense to me?
  2. Can a banner image be set, fixed probably using where the search area is, using a setting from within theme?
  3. On desktop, vertical menu - what has happened to the admin cp and mod cp links?
  4. On desktop the menu is not carried over as defined in the ACP, it is what you have set within theme settings for vertical menu, the user menu does not carry over account menu
  5. 0439c6a088a63dc10151dd8655a14067.thumb.png.ef9990eb71fe82b0fe10f14da35fe45f.png
  6. 525ae7417b649cbd1c92e75a1be8a03b.png.eabd0e2138497ce2e949f8c3dbd4f53a.png
  7. You have language errors on the theme settings
  8. bb4e2371c6dd9328b8ce3cc1ad1f3c55.thumb.png.26bdd017004a2dbb0a774bf6f84b318a.png

This just some of the things we have picked up so far, otherwise it's a great "looking" theme. You do have a lot of things under custom css which should have it's own file tbh. In addition, I think a setting to activate light mode within the ACP would be good,


Edited by craigf136
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13 hours ago, doc said:

2.A banner for that header div? Or?

In headofsite div, that contains the logo & the main search. It would be good to have a full width banner option, the height being adjustable to suit the banner. Fixed in place at the top, with the option to be scrollable & logo position adjustable.


13 hours ago, doc said:

3.The admin and mod cp links are on the name

Thank's, figured it out - needs a drop down arrow in my view.

Edited by craigf136
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Version 2.5

- Added moderator & admin control panel for vertical menu on the top.

- Added a arrow on name, for people who dont know how to enter on their profile.

- Added posibility to change header height & line height + search top position.

- Added logo on mobile phones.

- Big changes for tabs in acp, now every tab had a name.

Edited by doc
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Thank's for the update @doc appreciated.

Couple of things bug related / mobile browser related / feature requests.

1: Mobile image backgrounds are notorious for scrolling with the page, I have added some custom ccs to circum navigate that issue.

body:before {
  content: "";
  display: block;
  position: fixed;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  z-index: -10;
  background: url(your background) no-repeat center center;
  -webkit-background-size: cover;
  -moz-background-size: cover;
  -o-background-size: cover;
  background-size: cover;

Can you implement this or similar into the theme, so that the background is sized accordingly on mobile and doesn't scroll with the page?

2: Anyway of implementing a toggle for 2 things?

2a: Toggle for a light and dark version of the theme?
2b: toggle for switching from veritcal navigation to horizontal navigation

It's all about choice.

3: When sitting on a page for a while and browser notifications are enabled, numerous notifications (are received), usually the last notification received. I've had to disable browser notifications for myself. Doesn't happen on default theme, just this theme.

Everyone is loving the new theme, we've made some mior ccs changes for colours but all in all it's a brilliant theme 👏👏👏

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1.For the body it's done.

2.a Maybe in to the future with the biggest and maybe last visual update.

2.b Same for a but maybe faster than a.

3.These numerous notifications apear just because you dont check the notification.So it's normal, check the notification, and then dissapear.

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  • 2 months later...

Version 2.6

- Resolved some problems

- Added Christmas Update wich includes :

  • Snow ( you can customize snowflake symbols, snowflake color e.t.c )
  • Section Title Icon is a snowflake
  • Christmas Body
Edited by doc
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First 50 people who buy one of this themes ( BOOM / 4TECH / CYBER APEX DARK & LIGHT / THREME / NITRO / GRADIENTED OR ONIX DARK & LIGHT ) will get free acces to one of this templates ( warz / eligius / evoplayze / elix / kampo / enhanced default style )
This offer is permanent, so dont hurry, take your time to chose next template.

Support will be offerd for both themes, not just for the first one.
For more details, contact doc : https://cyberpixelz.com/forums/index.php?/profile/1-cyb3r-d0c/

For themes preview enter on this link : https://cyberpixelz.com/forums/ ( name: demo / password: demo )
For price list check : https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/586784-doc/content/?type=downloads_file

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
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