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Disable uploading attachments in specific forums?

Teddy Rogers

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Pretty much as the title suggests. It would be nice if there were an option in a forums permission settings to "Upload Attachments" next to "Download Attachments". I have some forums that I do not want specific groups uploading files in to. As far as I am aware the only way to prevent a group from uploading a file in to a forum seems to be by disabling uploads for that group. Unfortunately that disables uploading across all forums.

I have never fully understood why you would want to allow a user group to upload files in to a forum and yet disallow downloads in that forum by disabling "Download Attachments". It makes a bit more sense to me to have "Upload Attachments" as an option in each forums permission settings...



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12 minutes ago, Teddy Rogers said:

I have never fully understood why you would want to allow a user group to upload files in to a forum and yet disallow downloads in that forum by disabling "Download Attachments".

Disabling downloads is typically used as incentive, i.e. register to download, upgrade to VIP to download and so on. 
So allowing uploads and disallowing downloads is usually not used for the same user group. 

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The above used to be the case where there was a separate checkbox for upload and download for each group. This is from the last of the 3x series, 349:


I can see why it was removed however it did have some merit.

I can tell you one quite common source of confusion for new admins (I used to see it a fair bit in the Peer to Peer support forums) was the fact that uploaded images are attachments and if you disable 'download' for an attached image you are in effect saying "can view it" (or not) , there was actually a third party tweak at the time to exempt images from this behaviour, I remember using it so they could be viewed but files could not be downloaded, useful for guests actually.

Edited by AndyF
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  • 1 year later...

I have the same question and sent ticket to Invision Support today. I only want trusted user groups to be able to "Upload" to the "Downloads" section.

They should still have the ability to upload to forums, and download from anywhere. Just dont want all users to have the ability to upload to that section only. 


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