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Aligning tags


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I've used the search on here in a variety of ways to see if I can find anything about aligning tags - I can't seem to find anything.

Does anyone have any idea how to align tags so they look uniform and tidy in the forums?

This is what mine look like now and it looks ugly:


If they all aligned to the right using the furthest one as the guide it would be great.  Either that or have the tags just before the title with some spacing to keep it neat and tidy.

Any ideas?  Anyone?

With thanks


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Yup tried that but it throws them to the far side of the container.  I would prefer them to be aligned next to the titles, or before the titles if possible.  I know there are a few apps in the marketplace for tags but they don't mention anything about alignment.

Thanks for the info, very much appreciate the response.


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Maybe draw a picture pointing directly to where you want them to appear?


14 minutes ago, Davyc said:

before the titles if possible.

Then use prefixes instead?


14 minutes ago, Davyc said:

I would prefer them to be aligned next to the titles,

Probably going to need to edit html instead of using just css, so that the position of the html is changed from the current location up to the inline with the title instead.


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@Nathan Explosion thanks so much for the info about prefixes - they just slipped by me lol.  Everything is so much tidier and neater now.  I've also adjusted the CSS to my liking for border-radius and colour.  This is how it looks now (much nicer altogether):


Thanks again for your input and help, it's very much appreciated.


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