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Secret Poll

Bill Edwards

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26 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

The 'who' that voted for 'what' is exposed with public polls enabled. Don't make the poll a public one and then nobody can see the who/what.



Thank you, but I'm obviously missing something. I turned off public polls, set up a test poll and Admin & Moderators can see who's voted for what ? I don't want ANYONE to be able to see the votes.


You are going to have to clarify what you mean, please.

A normal poll...people can see the results as they go, but not who has voted for which item. Just the total votes.

A public poll....people can see that person a voted for option a and so on.

What is it that you are trying to achieve?

See if the Moderator permission below sorts you out:



We have a Moderator/Admin Team that needs thinning.

I want each Mod & Admin to vote in a poll for the members they want to keep on the team.

At the end of the poll, we need to see how many votes each member got. But I do NOT want anyone to see who voted for who.


Create copy to your theme

Create new forum with Theme Override - your 'copy theme'

Permission this forum and 'copy theme' - only staff

In Custom CSS  'copy theme' add

.ipsApp .ipsGrid > .ipsGrid_span1 {
      display: none;

Create Poll in this new forum.


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