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Clean install of 4.3 gives error on DB


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I'm installing a clean version of the latest beta but when creating the db, i get the error:

Access denied for user ''@'localhost' (using password: NO)

I've defined the user and password on the form and I have no errors on the log files.

Any help is appreciated.

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I have the same problem. 4.3 beta 3

11th Apr 2018 (21:15)


Thank you for your patience up to now.

Apology for the late response on the matter as we have been investigating the issue thoroughly and would like to share our finds with you so to understand why the installation is not properly working. Firstly I would like to confirm that we have tested with both a brand new installation in a subfolder/subdomain with new installation files to confirm that the issue does persist throughout. The '@'localhost access denied is issued when no proper connection is established via the database instance, as that occurs when either the password or any other credentials are inputted wrongly and are not properly attached to the database created.

> http://prntscr.com/j3zwaz

This is the overall logical pattern that prompts the error notification, however in reality the installation core configuration bypass the query that looks for the database signature, user and password in the installation files and goes straight to the Database.sql file to locate them, however since this is a brand new installation and the database itself is empty, it can't locate the properly 'user' attached to said database.

One of the ways to circumvent the issue is to generate a 'User' table with a configuration for '@' and 'localhost' so to locate it properly (or add the Username of the database itself). However the issue there is that once created, the installation will not 'create a User' table, which will cause the application to no longer properly work straight after the installation. This conundrum is ultimately the reason why we are unable to properly proceed with the installation of your chosen application.

With that in mind we are more than welcome to try again, however in order for us to do so we will require from you to contact the developers of said application with regards to the issues experienced and described above, so they can provide us with the proper step-by-step as to how we can resolve the matter entirely and install your application.

We do apologies for the inconvenience and the delay with regards to our response.

In case you require any additional assistance, feel free to contact us at any time.

Kind regards,


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@Charles why your cloud staff can not give a guide correctly? thank you @DesignzShop Now I have it installed withou problem....


Hello,  Unless your hosting provider has some special configuration that requires something extra on their end for this to work, our software doesn't, and only requires a normal lamp stack, in which most hosting providers have no issues with. 

I would point your host to our install guide perhaps if needed at this point 

I don't see any issues on our side, if you enter the proper database information, the install should simply just process as normal.

The error indicates that one or more of the following are incorrect though.






Have you considered our cloud packages at all? 


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