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Virus changed font of whole board


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Virus (probably bot) changed all of the fonts of my website: https://forum.dopalamy.com - Inspect any element and you will see enctrypted CSS with font called opendyslexic. I have searched any code that may cause this problem, but I couldn't find anything. I just downloaded whole website and scanned it with few keywords via Notepad++ without any results. Any ideas where to search? As you can see, it's long base64 code - when you decode it, it is simple CSS with few base64 inside aswell. Please help me, because I don't know what to do now... I have one of the newer versions of IPB.

Kind regards

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Problem solved. It was related to cloudflare. Someone installed App called Opendyslexic and cloudflare base64ed all of it. Oh god, I'm speechless. Basically, when you log in to your cloudflare account and you click Apps, it is here. Thread can be closed.

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