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LinkedIn auth.php issue


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I am seeing:

Sorry, there is a problem

The page you requested does not exist

Error code: 1S160/2

when my script (essentially copy/pasted from the LinkedIn auth.php) does:


if (isset(\IPS\Request::i()->error) and \IPS\Request::i()->error)

    if (\IPS\Request::i()->error == 'access_denied')
        \IPS\Output::i()->error(htmlentities(\IPS\Request::i()->error_description, ENT_QUOTES | \IPS\HTMLENTITIES, 'UTF-8', false), 'E400', 403);
        \IPS\Output::i()->error(htmlentities(\IPS\Request::i()->error_description, ENT_QUOTES | \IPS\HTMLENTITIES, 'UTF-8', false), 'E401', 403);



Now, the problem is, it's doing this at \IPS\Dispatcher\Front::i();, not a bit later at the error() command, which I have confirmed it is never reaching. So it never passes the actual error back to the user. This is in the case of OAuth2, when login is denied. Is the LinkedIn code broken for this case? I haven't meaningfully changed it.



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How should they be configured, then? The file itself is accessible just fine, directly. It is in applications/core/interface/.../auth.php

I have friendly URLs enabled, but nothing in applications/ has a friendly URL so it should not matter. I am running Nginx.

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Assuming you're redirecting to a file in the interface directory, you need to check the file permissions. Try changing the permissions to 644. If that does work, you'll want to update your constants.php file to reflect that.

define( 'IPS_FILE_PERMISSION', 0644 );


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