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Pages issue - unclosed element div


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In test validation html5 I have this issue in my page.

Error: Unclosed element div.

From line 1206, column 9; to line 1206, column 48

>↩				<li><div class='ipsType_break ipsContained'><a href....</a></li>

I did research in the installation package, Code is located on line 516 file cms_theme.xml

				<li><div class='ipsType_break ipsContained'><a href="{$lastPost['record_url']}" class='ipsTruncate ipsTruncate_line' title='{$lastPost['record_title']}'>{$lastPost['record_title']}</a></li>

I tried adds the missing element unclosed div (before< /li>) and upload the file again.

I know that this is not enough and that is why I am writing topic
- how to make a rebuild removal issue?

I have searched in all templates - pages, and templates in my theme - I did not discover this code.

Any tips?

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25 minutes ago, Adlago said:

In test validation html5 I have this issue in my page.

Error: Unclosed element div.

From line 1206, column 9; to line 1206, column 48

>↩				<li><div class='ipsType_break ipsContained'><a href....</a></li>

I did research in the installation package, Code is located on line 516 file cms_theme.xml

				<li><div class='ipsType_break ipsContained'><a href="{$lastPost['record_url']}" class='ipsTruncate ipsTruncate_line' title='{$lastPost['record_title']}'>{$lastPost['record_title']}</a></li>

I tried adds the missing element unclosed div (before< /li>) and upload the file again.

I know that this is not enough and that is why I am writing topic
- how to make a rebuild removal issue?

I have searched in all templates - pages, and templates in my theme - I did not discover this code.

Any tips?

I have fixed this in the default template, it is in the category_index > categoryRow template.

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