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Hi Adriano,

would it be possible to have wysiwyg in question (and answers?) in the next version?

The reason is that sometimes i would need to put  youtube video in the question, or have answers which are images themselves.

Don't know if it is possible, but it would be great and i guess it wouldnt be development-intensive.

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To be honest, not a good idea to insert a YouTube video there. You know there's a setting for embed videos and default is 100% (and it is a global setting: if you decrease the %, will decrease in your posts too). It will be displayed in whole screen, like a post. It will certainly break layout everywhere it appears: quiz play, manage questions, quiz results. Definitely not a good thing to do. 

And that's the main reason why I added a text box instead: preserve layout. 

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I see...

btw it seems to have a bug in the results. Whenever someone completes a quizz, i get a notification that says that member x has y% in the quizz.

The problem is that when i check the ranking of each quizz, sometimes the value users have there does not match the notification percentage...

For example: notification: 70%. Ranking: 40%

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Well, here it is:


Doesn't match this:



ncarmona is member_id 56276

pgranadas is member_id 8552

brunopetrucci is member_id 11376

The other one (Ego) is correct (both notification and ranking values match).

Edited by xtech
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You need to show me the screens from quiz result + the notifications above.

No, not that way, sorry. DB tables can be manipulated. Why? See:

  • Bruno should be the first, due to time, but he is the second in the table.

So no. Anyway, I'll keep an eye on this and I ask all other users to do the same.

I can't see an error:

			/* Calculate the score */
			$length	= count( $questions );
			$right 	= count( $correctAnswers );
			$score 	= ( $right * 100 ) / $length;
			$score 	= intval( $score );

				/* Notification */
				if( $this->quiz->type == 'gradeone' )
					$notification = new \IPS\Notification( \IPS\Application::load( 'quizzes' ), 'game_finished', $this->quiz, array( $this->quiz, \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->name, $score ), array( 'member' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, 'score' => $score ) );
					$notification->recipients->attach( $this->quiz->author() );

I don't see how this can send different values. If there was an error in the calculation, both values should be sent wrongly, not one only. There's no other interaction in $score between calculating it and sending the notification.


EDIT: @Himadri Goswami @Gabriel Torres, have you noticed different values like the user above in your boards?

EDIT: @xtech, create one account for me + a quiz category + a forum where only us both (or any other user in your board) can view so I can make tests.

Edited by Adriano Faria
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I just received an error report from a member regarding the second pages of comments on a quiz not displaying, but giving an error message.

I went to the quiz here: 


The comments were set in the Admin CP to allow a maximum of five per page, and there was already five, and the pagination at the bottom showed there was a second page. So I clicked to see the second page. I got this error:

 Sorry, there is a problem
Page Not Found.

Error code: 2S136/B

I went in to the Admin CP at Community => Quizzes => Settings => Views

And changed Quizzes => Comments per page and Reviews per page to 10, and the comments which were on the second page were displaying on the first page (as expected).

Then I added several test comments to make the number of comments 11, to generate the second page again. But when I clicked to go to the second page I got the same error again.

Can you assist?

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7 hours ago, Bendensin said:

The comments were set in the Admin CP to allow a maximum of five per page, and there was already five, and the pagination at the bottom showed there was a second page. So I clicked to see the second page. I got this error:

 Sorry, there is a problem
Page Not Found.

Error code: 2S136/B

What's New in Version 1.2.2:


  • Error on pagination when adding comments
  • Error when deleting comments


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26 minutes ago, Fandel said:

Hi Adriano,

i will ask you again.

What happend with multiple choice / multiple correct anwsers?

I will reply again: It never had and I never said it would have. I said that new type of quizzes will come PROBABLY in a future version, if they come.

Usually things works like that: you make suggestions and I decide if I will add them or not. People tend to think that only because they buy something the dev is required to add every tiny thing they want. 

Edited by Adriano Faria
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Hi Adriano, please do not misunderstand. I do not mean you have to do something or must have to do something. I ask because it is important to me, because i need it. If you do not want to implement it, or you can´t or it take a very long time (two years or more) i can look for another solution. I like your addon and preferably i would like to continue to use it. As it is now, it is only very limited to me.


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1 minute ago, Adriano Faria said:

Well, this app used the IPS4 StreamItens extension so if it's not appearing there I can only imagine that it's s not supported in Club streams somehow. 

I will test it in a couple of hours and will report as a bug, if that's the case. 

but it shows when a new quiz is posted/created

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@Himadri Goswami, I just tested and it is working as it should. The only thing that shows in a club is the content created, in this case, the quiz itself.

Example: I reacted to a quiz in a club:


Nothing in the Club but it appears in the "global" stream:


As I said here, my app uses an IPS4 extension to add the score in the stream... they made it to appear in the global stream and not in the club stream, so my app is working as it should. See the REACTION (a core feature) doesn't appear as well).

So, the best option is request them to add those things in the club stream: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/499-feedback-and-ideas/

EDIT: I submitted a bug report anyway: 


Edited by Adriano Faria
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Adriano, what happens when a member executes a quizz (graded) for the second time? Is his classification be updated to the most recent "execution" classification? Or it always shows the highest one?

For example, i did a test and i had 100%. Next, i've tried it again and i made on purpose to have 50%.

In the ranking, i still see 100%, however in the topic i see both tries. The database shows 100%.

Edited by xtech
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