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Change task time

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Is there a way to edit when tasks are run?  I have the birthday mod installed and it is sending the birthday post out at the end of the day, it used to send it at the beginning of the day.

I can see the task, I can run it manually, but I can see how to change when it runs.

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You would pop in to the database to tweak that, in the core_tasks table - take a look at the frequency (self-explanatory information in it) and next_run columns (unix timestamp for the next run of the task....you would need to get that set a time after midnight (or at noon, or whatever) and not before midnight.

But if you run it manually at x time, then that should reset the next_run to be "x modified by the frequency" without you needing to modify the database.

Although, personally I'd be approaching the mod author to ask for assistance on modifying the task in the mod itself.


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