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Set their own title


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@EmpireKickAss, this is an easy one. To enable this, just do the following:

ACP > Members > Member Settings > Ranks

Near the top of the page you are on (the Ranks page) you'll see an indicator at the top where you can select whether to disable or to add a restriction (such as the number of posts a user must make before changing their member title). This allows each user to change their own member title through their profile.

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13 minutes ago, Morisato said:

@EmpireKickAss, this is an easy one. To enable this, just do the following:

ACP > Members > Member Settings > Ranks

Near the top of the page you are on (the Ranks page) you'll see an indicator at the top where you can select whether to disable or to add a restriction (such as the number of posts a user must make before changing their member title). This allows each user to change their own member title through their profile.

I know about that settings, I want my VIPs to able to change there ranks and other members NOT to have that option to chnage 

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