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IP.content : the loss of criterias is a terrible restriction


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There is a nice improvment in the new IP.content : the restriction set per field, by default. This is very nice, I asked for this many times, and other members too.

But the loss of criterias is a terrible restriction : no alphabetic order (if your langage uses accents), no iteration order (I create a record "personnality" and a field "number of quotes" and I can't order the personnalities according to that number), etc... This is very very restrictive, and - according to my case - IP content is far less adaptable than it was.

So, of course, the criterias MUST be reimplemented as soon as possible (same way for the random order).


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I don't follow - what are you asking for?

Hello Matt,

  1. When you create a new block, you have "Details | Feed configuration | Content".
  2. You click on "Feed configuration".
  3. At the bottom you have "Sort by".

Before 4.0, the custom fieds appeared into this select field. And it was possible to sort the record according to our custom fields. For instance, I created a field "keyword" with the name of my article without any accent (french language) and it was possible to sort the records according to that field. Now, we only have the choice between the default fields : Last comment, number of comment, title, etc.. (Or I have missed something).

It's a terrible loss of flexibility. Plus, I don't see the crossed database links option. It was very usefull.

Those options must come back, as soon as possible !


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