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A suggestion for 'Solved' or 'Best Answer'

The Guy

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I'm not sure exactly if you guys already mentioned a new plan or planned extension for the Best Answer post feature. But if I may elaborate a suggestion towards it.

I've been on reddit lately and it caught my attention of voting, people up can be a karma feature for best reply inside posts. Instead of just the OP having it where s/he chooses the best post it can also be optional by the Admin to set specific forum options that it can be voted by the board members as best answer or the OP of the post can just determine who gets it. So really its like a Reputation feature and poll feature in one.

Bur of course if the admin allows it in the particular forum of how much power the OP can get; Voting or specific answer. The author isn't always correct, so by allowing this, it gives feedback by the community on who had the great answer.

Thanks. :)
But if not, it will look like an awesome application or hook if a developer would take this on.

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