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just want to say.......


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.....I'm now loving the new IP Board I've recently converted over to! First week has been strange trying to get used to it (we were on the old PhpBB 3 for years before finally moving to IPS) but now that I'm getting used to a few things and getting around the acp it's really making a difference to my online car club (www.civic5.com).

Getting loads of positive feedback from our members, who are also loving the new features and also the smoother functioning of the forum. It just seems a lot more slick. Purchased a few add-ons to go with it, such as the gallery (proving to be a huge hit with members!) Nexus (proving to be a huge hit with myself and my team! Brilliant bit of software!) and IP Content.

Not too keen on the ip content tbh, but perhaps in time I'll work my way around it! lol

But as for IP Board, has to be 10 out of 10!


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Thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback and it's great to hear your community is loving it. I will agree that ip.content does take a while to wrap your head around if you are not a coder/developer, it's come a long way however and seems to get better with each version. :)

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You went the same route I did a few years ago.

Started the forum on phpbb 3 years ago. Then, took the big step to upgrade to IPB after having lack of professional support on phpbb, and having to get a plugin for everything.

Welcome to the club.

Nice site, btw... change your FavIcon. =)

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Thanks! I'll get the favicon changed soon lol. The current theme is just a quick one I put together to make it similar to our old colour scheme, so planing to design something that looks a bit more slick. Yeah, phpbb is a good place to start with, but i feel it's just looking too outdated now. The add ons for ip board are excellent, and make running your site so much easier. I checked out vbulletin too! Looked at the support forums, and most bugs/errors problems went un answered! That made my decission to go for ip boar easier!

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