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Where do most of you host your forums?

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Fully managed dedicated server. I'm lazy, too territorial to share space, plus I like the control over security setup vs shared hosting.

I'm almost the same way.

I like having complete control over my resources. Besides co-locating or running a server in your basement, unmanaged dedi's are the next best thing.

I don't use managed services because I don't even like having to rely on a tech to set everything up for me. One of the main reasons I got a dedicated server to begin with was for the learning experience.

I also don't like having to constantly worry about having my site suspended for using excessive resources on a shared hosting service. Being that my site is using over 100GB of space and 4TB+ of bandwidth a month now, I don't think there's any shared web host out there that'd want my business.

But if you just run a basic forums page, such as a support forum or just a generic forum for friends/guildies to come and chat, shared hosting is generally completely appropriate for this. Just do your research before picking one.
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I'm almost the same way.

I like having complete control over my resources. Besides co-locating or running a server in your basement, unmanaged dedi's are the next best thing.

I don't use managed services because I don't even like having to rely on a tech to set everything up for me. One of the main reasons I got a dedicated server to begin with was for the learning experience.

I also don't like having to constantly worry about having my site suspended for using excessive resources on a shared hosting service. Being that my site is using over 100GB of space and 4TB+ of bandwidth a month now, I don't think there's any shared web host out there that'd want my business.

But if you just run a basic forums page, such as a support forum or just a generic forum for friends/guildies to come and chat, shared hosting is generally completely appropriate for this. Just do your research before picking one.

I have managed service with my provider and it's been a huge learning experience as well. Whenever I asked "How was that done" they have responded with exactly what they did to accomplish the desired task. I think it's great having the managed service in case there is ever a time where you can't do something they will be there to help you out. Granted not all managed services that I have been with have been as great as my current provider.

And I'll never use a shared host again, no matter how big or small my websites might be.
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Secondly is something I brought up elsewhere, and that is media storage space is limited and fixed. Which I feel is a shame as the IPGallery for example is included with the hosting packages as low as Basic 10, but the storage space allowance is so small that around 15% of my space is used up on posts and profile pictures with the gallery turned off because of the limitations.

Here is either a suggestion or a dumb idea...

Let's say you need 2GB for your hosted files. Why not put them on Amazon S3 or Microsoft Azure and put links in your IPB? S3 is about 10 cents a month per GB, and bandwidth is about the same. For that matter, you could put them on a free hosting site or paid shared hosting, or Google Docs (1GB/month free) or....well, plenty of options :-)

I don't personally use IP.Downloads so I don't know how it works, but I imagine that end of the day, you're delivering a URL to someone, and that URL could be from any source.
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I host my IPB (and a dozen other sites) on a VPS.

Running a VPS is not really for the uneducated. That's a personal opinion, but if you don't have any sysadmin talent, you should either hire someone ("managed VPS") or use a panel (cPanel, etc.), though I think the latter is a crutch. A panel forces you to buy a more expensive VPS and is not really a panacea and you can find yourself with a problem that a GUI can't solve.

The thing with running your own VPS is that you're responsible for everything - patching it, performance-tuning it, securing it, figuring out how to get back in if you've borked the iptables rules, offsite backups, MySQL tuning, etc.

If you want to get started with cut/pasting things from the Linode Library (open to non-Linode users), tutorials, and forum advice, Godspeed and enjoy, but be aware that you'll spend a considerable time learning system administration. If your interest is really more in the forum or PHP coding, that might be a body of knowledge you'd prefer to leave to someone else.

(Rereading it, I don't want to make it sound like brain surgery - but as an analogy, I personally I have zero interest in cars and would rather pay someone $20 every few months to change my oil, even if I could learn to do it myself).

If you're looking for hosting, the best place to discuss is WebHostingTalk. I even did some advertising for IPS Hosted there today :angel:

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I have been with medialayer.com (an amazing shared host that is HIGHLY optimized for dynamic websites), I have considered enginehosting (load balanced hosting, even their shared hosting is load balanced), but I am going to go with rocketvps.com on their $10 a month unmanaged vps plan on my next website. Once I have to upgrade, I decided to go with mediatemple's (ve) (unmanaged vps) and grow from there.

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I used to run my two forums on a high-end VPS, but just moved them to a cloud server a few days ago that uses SSD's instead of hard drives. Much to my surprise, the cloud server's RAM usage hasn't gone over 900 MB yet, even when several hundred people come online at once; the whole thing runs absolutely blazing fast; and it's a completely stock cPanel setup that has not been optimized in any way. On my old VPS, memory and CPU load issues were not uncommon; and on paper, it has much more impressive specs than my new cloud server.

In any case, I'm quite satisfied with my new host. They're a very small company, but their support is incredible, their servers scream with speed, and the company's owner registered on one of my forums!

My site is slightly larger than yours. Can you send me a pm with more details about your host, cloud hosting seems like a better idea than VPS. But my main concern is cost.
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I have managed service with my provider and it's been a huge learning experience as well. Whenever I asked "How was that done" they have responded with exactly what they did to accomplish the desired task. I think it's great having the managed service in case there is ever a time where you can't do something they will be there to help you out. Granted not all managed services that I have been with have been as great as my current provider.

And I'll never use a shared host again, no matter how big or small my websites might be.

who is your current provider ?
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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a Dedicated Dual Xeon Server hosted in Canada, Quebec. It has two Xeon Quad Cores (4.26GHZ), 18GB DDR3 RAM, 2TB Harddisk Storage 7200RPM, 20TB Bandwidth per month usage, and cPanel Web Host Manager hosting more then 60 websites. Most of the websites are IP.Board's, varying from different versions and clients to my personal ones. The server has been optimized for IP.Board's with the latest and greatest in MYSQL, SQL, PHP, extensions, and all the limits have been set to their max with php memory to 2GB (would make it higher and you'd think that'd be better but it actually isn't.). I pay close to four thousand dollars annually for this server and love it.

If anyone is having a jam with hosting right now or cannot afford it, Please PM me. I will host your forums for free, i have the resources for it. ;)

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I have a Dedicated Dual Xeon Server hosted in Canada, Quebec. It has two Xeon Quad Cores (4.26GHZ), 18GB DDR3 RAM, 2TB Harddisk Storage 7200RPM, 20TB Bandwidth per month usage, and cPanel Web Host Manager hosting more then 60 websites. Most of the websites are IP.Board's, varying from different versions and clients to my personal ones. The server has been optimized for IP.Board's with the latest and greatest in MYSQL, SQL, PHP, extensions, and all the limits have been set to their max with php memory to 2GB (would make it higher and you'd think that'd be better but it actually isn't.). I pay close to four thousand dollars annually for this server and love it.

If anyone is having a jam with hosting right now or cannot afford it, Please PM me. I will host your forums for free, i have the resources for it. ;)

I think you meant 2.26GHZ, dual E5520 to be specific.
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I run on a managed VPS, i got the VPS at the same price as my unmanaged about 6 months ago.

I switched to them as my workplace is very secure and wont allow me to get to cpanel securely.

Its good having managed so i can send in support tickets if i ever need a change i cant make because im at work.

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I used to use Artery Planet, they closed so I tried both Media Temple and Hostgator, didn't like either then I found MidPhase / AN Hosting and was happy there for years but moved recently to StableHost and have been happy ever since.

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Got tired of the shared hosting for lack of timely let alone knowledgeable support, tried the VPS route and had 2 close down right from under me while the 3rd never responded to any tickets.
I am now and have been for just over a year now hosting my own... Yes it is more work keeping it up to date to keep up with the IPS standards but as for the rest of my sites they are reaping the benefits as well.

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