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Install both xCache & Memcached ?


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You only run once cache program.... I would recommend xcache and have used it for years with great success.

Both cache programs will have nothing to do with mysql so you don't have anything to worry about there. A cache program such as xcache cache's files and not data from mysql, so it will have no effect on heap.

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Thanks for clearing that up for me. I do see a huge improvement now that xcache is installed.

On a second note, would this be bad to use with xcache?

### activate mod_expires

ExpiresActive On

ExpiresByType image/gif A604800

ExpiresByType image/png A604800

ExpiresByType image/jpg A604800

ExpiresByType text/js A604800

ExpiresByType text/css A604800

### Apply a Cache-Control header to index.php

<Files index.php>

Header append Cache-Control "public, must-revalidate"


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You only run once cache program.... I would recommend xcache and have used it for years with great success.

Both cache programs will have nothing to do with mysql so you don't have anything to worry about there. A cache program such as xcache cache's files and not data from mysql, so it will have no effect on heap.

That's not quite right. When using a cache service with IP.Board, the various cache data (from the DB table "cache_store") will be fetched from the cache service instead of running several database queries to get it.
Both of them may work together with PHP and Apache to speed up other parts of the processing.

@iWeb: That last code snippet will have no impact on neither Xcache or Memcached. That is used to force the users browser to cache static content (images, css, javascript) instead of fetching them on each load. Well, they won't be fetched on each load, as the browser internally have an expiry date on the cache. So those values are used to force the browser to use a different expiry date.
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Martin, my context of my post was referring directly to the question by the op. Dont twist and spin it out of context. Why do so many people here try to be god? Try helping the hundreds of non answered threads rather than picking apart out of context post.

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