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Suggestions: Redesigned moderating team page

Massive Dynamics

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(I dare say IPS could use this as well.)

Suggestion 1

The current moderating team page is very generic. It shows a list of administrators, forum moderators, and global moderators. However, it does not differentiate between any user groups.

Example: (No, I don't use these groups)

Usergroup 1: Webmaster
Usergroup 2: Administrator
Usergroup 3: Trainee administrator
Usergroup 4: Super moderator
Usergroup 5: Moderator
Usergroup 6: Programmer (Moderates the programming forums)
Usergroup 7: Designer (Moderates the graphics forums)

If there were, say, 2 users in each group, I would normally expect each group to be shown separately. Example


Name 1, all forums, Reading main tracker index Name 2, all forums, Viewing topic: I can't see my feet


Name 3, all forums, Banning user: Spambot2146 Name 4, all forums, Viewing topic: Someone close this topic please

(Trainee administrator)
(Super moderator)

However, it would be shown as:


Name 1, all forums, Reading main tracker index Name 2, all forums, Viewing topic: I can't see my feet Name 3, all forums, Banning user: Spambot2146Name 4, all forums, Viewing topic: Someone close this topic please Name 5, all forums, Offline Name 6, all forums, Reading main tracker index

(Global Moderators)

(Forum Moderators)

Suggestion 2

I think there should be an option to hide a usergroup from the moderating team page, but not from the member list. At the moment, the only option is to remove them from both at once (afaik - I'm guessing that is what it does).
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