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Download: (RI) Nick and quote to fast reply form


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File Name: (RI) Nick and quote to fast reply form
File Submitter: Aoyagi Ritsuka
File Submitted: 13 Aug 2010
File Updated: 29 Nov 2010
File Category: Hooks and Plugins

What's new is 4.0.1: customizable anchors, effects for Info button & buttons under your own avatars.

This hook adds 3 additional buttons to the menu under avatar in posts:

  • "Insert Nick"
    Inserts user's nickname (display name) into fast reply form.
  • "Quote selected text"
    Copies selected text to fast reply form and formats it with quote tag with all appropriate parameters. If no text is selected it copies all content of current post.
  • "Info"
    Toggles information blocks under avatar: shows and hides the block with custom profile fields and the warn block. This buttons is needed if you will enable the hiding of this blocks in hook settings. This hiding saves a lot of space on forums where short posts is a common deal.

Hook settings (group is placed on "Hooks" tab) includes:
- Enabling/disabling buttons one by one,
- "Hide custom profile fields", "Hide warning block" options,
- icons and altered texts customization,

Click here to download this file
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but wouldn't the quick reply options be better next to the 'reply' and 'multiquote' buttons

Was there in 1.x versions, but were moved to user info pane following customers opinions. "Reply", "MultiQuote", "FastQuote"- 3 big 'quoting' buttons is too much for most of us :)
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very interesting funcions.
for this:


Toggles information blocks under avatar: shows and hides the block with custom profile fields and the warn block. This buttons is needed if you will enable the hiding of this blocks in hook settings. This hiding saves a lot of space on forums where short posts is a common deal.

the best can be hidden/show info of all users, and not only for one.....
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Ok do I need to IPB 3.1.2 for this to work, because I'm still in 3.1.0 and nothing is appearing after I reinstalled it several times.

Looks like. The problem is not in some version specific code, but it can be in bug in 3.1.0, which prevents the overriding of skin_global class.
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Oh my, looks like I've found the source of the problem. Could you please open frq.xml file in your favorite text editor and replace this line:

<hooks_source><![CDATA[class frq extends skin_global(~id~)

with this:

<hooks_source><![CDATA[class frq extends (~extends~)

Than just install this modified version and report back, has the problem gone or not?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I just updated my board to 3.1.3, and the PM button no longer works - it tries to create the modal window for the quick PM, but comes up an empty box. The show/hide user info and the insert username and quote into Fast Reply box still works, however.

This is still an issue even with version 4.0.1 and after upgrading to 3.1.4

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PM button no longer works - it tries to create the modal window for the quick PM, but comes up an empty box.

There is some kind of misunderstanding. This hook in not dealing with PM button at all. It only adds some new buttons, old ones (incl PM, which is IPS default) are left intact. So, there is a problem with your IP.Board after update, not with this hook.
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