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vB 3.x converstion makes "Edit reason" public


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I've just discovered in my test convered IPB3.1.1 site that everyone's "Edit reason" for their edited posts is now on public display!!

Is this a setting I'm missing, i.e. can they be made private again (only the owner can see them) ?

If not, would it be a good idea to make the import of this data optional? (on the basis that things written in private might have a negative impact if made public!!)

Shaun :D

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Is this a setting I'm missing, i.e. can they be made private again (only the owner can see them) ?

I think you can do it with a skin edit, so that the reason appears only to certain groups (group ID's), certain people (member ID's) or only to those with ACP access.

Or just use the query that Mark mentioned if you don't want to deal with editing the skin.

Another alternative is to use the hook that lets you have topic notes. You could then move the edit reasons into the topic notes, though I'd imagine it would take awhile, even if you have several staff helping with it.
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In IP.Board edit reasons are public.

Ahhhhh, okay, good thing to know.

Rather than mess with the code / skins, I'll just tell my membership and moderators (who often put edit reasons related to mod discussions that I wouldn't necessarily want making public) that edited reasons are now public.

Thanks for the query too, I'll use that to "reset" them after the conversion ... :thumbsup:

Shaun :D
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Ahhhhh, okay, good thing to know.

Rather than mess with the code / skins, I'll just tell my membership and moderators (who often put edit reasons related to mod discussions that I wouldn't necessarily want making public) that edited reasons are now public.

Thanks for the query too, I'll use that to "reset" them after the conversion ... :thumbsup:

There's another query you could run to hide all the existing edits/reasons, without erasing the reasons themselves.

UPDATE posts SET append_edit = '0' WHERE post_edit_reason != ''

That will hide all edits markers that have a reason attached.

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Thanks, I'll consider that ... :D

Here's another consideration for you.

(Pending approval)

It'll let you allow only certain groups (and even the author) to see the edit reasons. Additionally, you can set it to show you edits made but were flagged to not show up (hidden edits).
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