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Uploaded new IPB, now modules are gone?

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I hope this is in the right forum...it's not a specific IPB product topic. I don't really know what's going on. Cyberduck (free mac ftp) was rewriting files poorly, and they were not working. So I downloaded a trial of Transmit, which was recommended highly, and it deletes everything in a directory before uploading the new content. As a result, I had to re-upload all of my custom image files...and now all my IPS modules are gone. Which is really annoying since I am hosted on their servers and only have access to the files via IPS uploading them for me! So I don't know what I am supposed to do...it still has all of the modules listed as installed, but they don't work. I have setting for them under the "Applications & Modules" but that's it. Blog and Content are big ones, cause I have been trying to work on them! haha

Does anyone have any suggestion to prevent this from happening again? I just need a good, solid mac ftp client that actually rewrites files properly and doesn't delete whole folders before uploading the new versions.

And on a side note...do I just contact IPS via a ticket and ask them to upload all the module files again? lol I seriously have never experienced these sort of pains until becoming an IPS hosting customer. Cyberduck has always worked wonderfully well for me in the past.

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