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Simple search searches post contents + titles


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many people in my forums tell me, that the search function works really bad.
My forum is really huge with nearly 2.6 million posts and thats why the default setting for simple search (search posts and titles) gives back many many search hits, of which are the most not relevant.

That's why a setting would be nice, where the admin could choose how the simple search works:
- topics only
- topics and posts

Thanks! :)

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  • 3 months later...

I second that. I cannot search in titles only... it has the 2 options (search in posts only and topic tiles & posts).
It would be great to have the option to search in titles only... coz it would narrow the search pretty much.

Actually, there is the option to search titles only, but the problem is that it keeps searching inside the topics too, for the key word/s.

Maybe the other option (from line 2 of this post) simply overrides the title search option.

Is there a solution for this in the admin panel somewhere? If there is... please lead me to it.


When searching in titles... it automatically highlights the keyword inside the topic too. Can that highlighting be disabled at least?


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I made a topic about the confusion here:

What the heck is the difference? :/ and I've been asking them to add a tooltip for the advanced options icon but not one person replied to it. The icon is a bad idea, why not use text like before? I think IPB 3.1 is not as user friendly as before.

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