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Any Chance a Template Edting function could be added?


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I've just used the new skin generator to create this skin http://community.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=core&module=skingen&to=171819&to_alt=000000&bg=000000&text=FFFFFF&contrast=0.

While there is nothing particularly wrong with the skin, I'd like to be able to make a few additional template edits. I can tweak most of this small stuff myself, no doubt about that, but I feel it may be useful to users with less experience than me. That is all really. :)

Another thing I noticed was the blinding brightness of the text editor. While I have fixed the problem myself, again, it might be useful to users with less knowledge of CSS, if an ''advanced mode'' was added which would give the user a bit more control of what he is doing. :)

This really is a great feature and it confirms for me that purchasing an IPB license was a good choice. I'm just trying to help you improve it, that's all :)

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Can you clarify exactly what kind of template editing you'd be looking for? Apart from giving you everything that you could already do with the Admin CP template editor, I'm not sure what specific functionality you're looking for.

And again, when you talk about 'advanced mode', specifically what would you like to see that entail? In your case you had an issue with the editor's colors, is that the only thing an 'advanced mode' would give you more control over?

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As for your first question, it might be nice to be able to juggle the structure of the header. For example, where to put the Login link, the submenu etc (is it to be on the left or right hand side, for example?). Another thing might be to give more options regarding the footer. Some people who are lucky enough to have several hundred members online at once may not want to have as many fields (such as birthdays and upcoming calender events). I may think up more options later.

As for your second question, I'm sorry for my lack of clarity before. Yes the editor was the main problem that I had, but another feature that such an ''advanced mode'' might have would be the ability to manually select the colour of icons. The current system does a fairly good job, but again, it's not perfect. Nitpickers like myself would certainly benefit. :)

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