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Features Request


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Logo / Header - I know this may sound weird but having a option to have a rotating header / logo and have the interface in the ACP so users would only have to turn it on or off and upload what logo / headers they want.

Sliders - To be added to the top of the forum (global or not). Make the interface on the ACP side and people will only have to update the picture, text, and hyperlink to where they want people to go when the click it. Current you have to edit the skin, upload different files, then recode it to change everything. I say add this to IPC as a block and/or to the IP Board.

I would say adding the first would not be much of a problem and should be fast, the second one, is a little bit to high in my coding knowledge to how in depth it would take and/or how big an issue it would be to add it.

Thank you for taking the time to read and think about it.

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Forgot to add that the header is where the IPBoard logo is of course, and the slider is more of a feature that would add to the IPC or forums for people to show a front page. Think of it as reading a news paper. Usually you will read the first few head lines and look at the picture. After that if you like it you get it if not you just walk away. Similar to people coming to your site the look at what you can get before signing up showing others what you got to see if users want to stay around. Does that help example somethings? :)

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Forgot to add that the header is where the IPBoard logo is of course, and the slider is more of a feature that would add to the IPC or forums for people to show a front page. Think of it as reading a news paper. Usually you will read the first few head lines and look at the picture. After that if you like it you get it if not you just walk away. Similar to people coming to your site the look at what you can get before signing up showing others what you got to see if users want to stay around. Does that help example somethings? :)

cleared it up for me :P

both ideas aren't too bad at all..I could see them being useful
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So what you mean is sort of like when you go to MSN or some other sites, they have a small area near the top where there are news stories that cycle through, and then if the story interests a person, they click on the story that is showing and it takes them to that page?

If so, I think that'd be better off as a hook or application, more specifically for IP.C or the portal on IP.Board.

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My train of thought is there are some extra bells and whistles that people want already on their site. Having these features built in give will help people get there site looking good. Hook or application maybe. The logo could be IPB and the silder for IPC.

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The rotating logo might be best as a hook also, but I could see businesses making use of it as well, especially if they have different banners that look similar (to blend in with the theme/skin) but have different catch phrases, slogans, etc.

So on the rotating logo, would be nice for it to be pre-included (rotating once per page load, not continuous). :thumbsup:

For the slider, be better as a hook/app or something else to include with IP.Content, as it would keep the framework more open for adding things instead of becoming another CMS.

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The rotating logo might be best as a hook also, but I could see businesses making use of it as well, especially if they have different banners that look similar (to blend in with the theme/skin) but have different catch phrases, slogans, etc.

So on the rotating logo, would be nice for it to be pre-included (rotating once per page load, not continuous). :thumbsup:

For the slider, be better as a hook/app or something else to include with IP.Content, as it would keep the framework more open for adding things instead of becoming another CMS.

We both agree. :D What does that staff of IPB say? :D
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+1 for adding sliders to IP.Content

It could also be extremely useful on the blog (see: [url="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/arianna-huffington/state-of-the-union-is-oba_b_436045.html"]Huffington Post[/url]). I'm sure Invision will implement in a way that everyone can use on various projects.

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To me, this is content, and something that should be left up to the user to generate.

Turn but if you have the addon to give the way to make people generate it, it would be better? I mean having it in the system already helps to make a front page with little coding which IPC still needs help with for people who don't know the code that well.
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