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Xcache + Ioncube on 5.3.1

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I've had Xcache running fine on 5.2.* for some time now but I recently upgraded to 5.3.1 (cPanel) and it's broken my install. With Xcache loaded, I get PHP errors in IPB.
I also have Ioncube loaded because I'm running Converge.

Is this a compatibility issue? Am I going to have to revert to 5.2.12 if I want to run Xcache?

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So that's a confirmation IPB has problems with PHP 5.3?... I find that difficult to swallow. If so, what are the plans to rectify this. When is it likely I'll be able to upgrade to 5.3.* and still keep using Converge. The fact it's Ioncube encoded is akin to putting my server in concrete and telling it to run.

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