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Mysql backup dump too large for re-installing !

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Mysql dump too large for re-installing !! i dumped my client's database into a file, thinking all i had to do was rerun the queries and we re away !!

But the mysql server keeps timing out before it gets completed !! Does anyone know how to do this?? i tried the mysql tool that came along with it, and a couple of other commercial ones and none of them can keep the server alive long enough to complete the task.

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isnt that what the skins inserts have?? extended inserts?

Note 1: BigDump will fail processing large tables containing extended inserts. An extended insert contains all table entries within one SQL query. BigDump isn't able to split such SQL queries.

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If you have SSH access to the server, you can accomplish this from the command-line as well, can't you?

If NOT, just ignore what follows. ;)

But if YES, this might help. (This works for me, on my Reseller host, but may not work for your situation.)

Assuming you have gunzip installed, the syntax would be *something* like this (varies with OS and other programs):

gunzip ipb.sql.gz ; mysql -u (account-name_database-user-name) -p (account-name_database-name) < ipb.sql <- NOTE: replace (account-name_database-user-name) with the full prefixed name of your chosen database's user name, and replace (account-name_database-name) with the full prefixed name of your chosen database.

Or is your file *SO* large that it would cause this timeout issue even so?? (I just don't know.)

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wow that thing is so large the clipboard refuse to take it !!

Funny thing is i looked at the skins on the installed db WITHOUT the above insert an i see all my edits there?? why?

 INSERT INTO  `ibf_skin_templates_cache` (`template_id`,  `template_group_name`,

`template_group_content`,               `template_set_id`)                VALUES();
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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for bumping a month old topic, was wondering what you used to reinstall your back up or if you are still unable to do so.

I had kinda the same problem.
I would use mysqldump make a copy then move it to my new server. When I tried to reinstall the dump mysql would become unresponsive.
I had a server tech try and move my DB for me, after a few hours still nothing.
(I ended up looking at phpmyadmin and saw that it was getting caught up on "ibf_posts")
The tech tried something else and was able to copy and import my DB in about 40min, below is what they told me they did.

/etc/init.d/chkservd stop; /etc/init.d/mysql stop Then I made a backup of the database with the following: tar -zcvf /root/backup.tar.gz /var/lib/mysql/database This created the compressed file backup.tar.gz in the /root directory, which I then transferred to the new server via scp with: scp /root/backup.tar.gz root@new.server.ip.addy:/root/ While the backup was being transferred, I restarted chkservd and mysql with: /etc/init.d/mysql start; /etc/init.d/chkservd start On the new server I stopped chkservd and mysql in the same fashion as on the old server, and then extracted the tarball with: tar -zxvf /root/backup.tar.gz /var/lib/mysql Then started mysql and chkservd in the fashion noted above.

I hope this is some use to others with large databases that for some reason mysqldump doesn't work.

I stopped chkservd and mysql with the following command:

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